A vertex may specify different logical locations for edges to connect. The logical locations are called "ports".

As an analogy, thinck of the graph as a mother board, the vertices as integrated circuits and the edges as connecting wires. Then the pins on the integrated circuits correspond to portsof a vertex.

The ports of a vertex are declared by Bisarca\Graph\Port\Port elements as children of the corresponding Vertex elements. Each port element must have a name, which is an identifier for this port.

The edge element has optional sourceport and targetport with which an edge may specify the port on the source, resp. target, vertex.

use Bisarca\Graph\Edge\Edge;
use Bisarca\Graph\Port\Port;
use Bisarca\Graph\Vertex\Vertex;

$fooPort = new Port('foo');
$barPort = new Port('bar');

$vertex1 = new Vertex();

$vertex2 = new Vertex();

$edge = new Edge($vertex1, $vertex2);
