The graph component is used to model graphs classes and entities in your application. It's based on the Graph definition of Wikipedia.


Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this library:

$ composer require bisarca/graph

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Main classes

This library uses three main classes as defined in the Graph definition.


A graph is an ordered pair of vertices and edges \(G = (V,E)\).

use Bisarca\Graph\Edge\Set as Edges;
use Bisarca\Graph\Graph;
use Bisarca\Graph\Vertex\Set as Vertices;

$vertices = new Vertices();
$edges = new Edges();

// $graph = new Graph();
$graph = new Graph($vertices, $edges);

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A vertex is just an identifier for a graph element.

use Bisarca\Graph\Vertex\Vertex;

$vertex = new Vertex();

It should be used to define which are the objects a graph contains.

use Bisarca\Graph\Vertex\Vertex;
use Bisarca\Graph\Vertex\VertexInterface;

class FileVertex extends Vertex {}

// or directly the interface

class FileVertex implements VertexInterface {}


An edge is a connection between two vertices.

use Bisarca\Graph\Edge\Edge;
use Bisarca\Graph\Vertex\Vertex;

$vertex1 = new Vertex();
$vertex2 = new Vertex();

$edge = new Edge($vertex1, $vertex2);

Like the Vertex class, it should be used to define which are the connections in your graph.

use Bisarca\Graph\Edge\Edge;
use Bisarca\Graph\Edge\EdgeInterface;

class DirectoryEdge extends Edge {}

// or directly the interface

class DirectoryEdge implements EdgeInterface {}

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